Promote humane welfare for animals in Meade County Kentucky with emphasis on spay/neuter and Meade County Animal Shelter
Our History
Pets In Need Society (PINS) is non-profit, 501(c)(3), total volunteer organization in Meade County Kentucky that was started in January 2000. At its inception, a small group of caring and compassionate people met to address the deplorable conditions at the Meade County animal shelter. Led by founding President, Karen Kennedy, and Vice President, Deb Sobel, the group quickly organized and planned for a major renovation of the shelter. By November 2001, PINS volunteers and supporters had transformed the once neglected, disease ridden dog pound into a functional, clean and healthy animal shelter where residents can recover lost pets or adopt new ones. It took hundreds of hours of volunteer labor and $55,000 of donated funds and materials for the shelter to become a respectable facility for Meade County residents.
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Pets In Need Society
P.O. Box 522
Brandenburg, KY 40108
270 422-3838 (voicemail)
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